Friday 1 May 2020

Western Springs

yesterday we went to western springs and we feed the birds and ducks. I went with my older brother Zac, my younger brother Angus and my Mum! Here is 2 pictures of me and Angus there!
blog you later,
p.s We were learning about ducks that is why I was not at the call yesterday!


  1. Hi Lila, can you please try reloading your pictures as they are not showing on your blog. By the way, what DID you learn about ducks? bye : )

  2. Hi Lila
    I would live to see these pictures when you get around to reloading them.
    Did you see the signets at Western Springs?
    I have seen them a few times recently, they are very cute.

  3. I bet the ducks were pleased to see your family?! They probably haven't had as many visitors during the lockdown. When you were learning about ducks did you find out whether it is good for them to eat bread?


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