Tuesday 18 February 2020

My holiday

Hello, My name is Lila and I am 10 years old.
In my holiday I went to Christchurch and Waiheke. In Waiheke we were staying in a beach house and there was a path down to the beach which only two houses could enter. Inside the house there were three rooms but one was a sun room which I was in. We went swimming a lot at the beach, but the water was much colder than you think it would be, and it was the summer. In Christchurch we went to stay was my Grandparents but my Dad did not come because he had to work. My grandparents live on a farm so me and my brother got to go on there tractor. We went to my Cousin's, Auntie's and Uncle's pool and then we had pizza for dinner.
Hope you enjoyed this story.have you ever be to one of those places?Image result for Christchurch

Image result for Waiheke

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