Tuesday 10 December 2019

Teaser week day 1

5 words I made up:
1.Tefe- dairy
2.betbot- robot
4.abcxyz- abc song
Thank you for looking at this post
what words can you make up?


  1. Mōrena Lila, I hope you are having a groovy day!

    My name is Eliza and I’m working as a blog commenter on the Summer Learning Journey this summer. Have you done the Summer Learning Journey before? I’m looking forward to reading your posts and the other bloggers' posts from the Ako Hiko cluster, over the next few weeks! If you want to know more about me, you can check out my blog.

    The words you’ve made up are unique and creative. Ka pai! Have you tried saying any of them out loud? Where did you get your inspiration from? My favourite made up word at the moment is ‘Klounge’ - at my house we have quite a small lounge near the kitchen so we call it the ‘Klounge’ :)

    I really enjoyed looking at your blog today and I hope that you will keep blogging with us over the summer. Keep working on the teaser week activities and on the 16th of December you can start the Week 1 activities.

    Thanks for your post and keep up the great mahi!
    Eliza :)

  2. Hello,Eliza
    Thank you for your comment.
    Yes I have tried to say them out loud and yes they are very strange.I got my inspired from Roald Dahl but I made up the words. I am 10 years old.
    By Lila
    p.s sorry it is not as big as your comment

  3. Kia ora Lila,

    That's totally okay! I'm really enjoying reading and commenting on these blogs. Yes I can imagine saying them out loud would sound pretty funny! What is your favourite Roald Dahl book?

    Have a great day,
    Eliza :)

  4. Hello,Eliza
    Megan just came into our class to talk about the summer lerning journey and she also was talking about you.I am totally going to do the summer lerning journey. The prizes sound really cool especilly the tablet.
    Have a great day too

  5. Kia ora Lila,

    Oh that's so great that you got to meet Megan, she's awesome isn't she! Yea there are some pretty cool prizes up for grabs this summer! If you were to win the tablet, what would be the first app you'd use on it?

    Have a groovy day,
    Eliza :)


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