Thursday 12 December 2019

Teaser week day 3

Hi guys,
Today I will be interviewing Niamh, lets get to it.
Lila:What is the biggest thing you have achieved in your life?
Niamh: Niamh came 2ed in Irish dancing
Lila:What do you want to archive?
Niamh: get her parent to let her have a Youtube channel
Lila:Do you want to help the rain forest when you are older? and why/why not?
Niamh: yes because trees help people breath and give us fresh air and they are pretty
Lila: What is your favourite food?
Niamh: Sushi
Lila: When is your birthday?
Niamh: 27 March 2010
Lila: What is your favorite animal?
Niamh: dog
Lila: What is your favorite day of the week?
Niamh: Friday
Lila: What is your favorite emoji?
Niamh: 🐆
Thank you reading this post and thank you to Niamh
Have you interviewed a friend before? what were some of the questions?

1 comment:

  1. Mōrena Lila, I hope you’re having a groovy day!

    I really enjoyed reading the interview you did of your friend Niamh. The questions you’ve asked are well thought through and it shows you’ve put effort into this activity - ka pai!
    I also really like sushi, especially chicken and avocado :) I don’t think I have ever interviewed a friend, thanks for asking though.

    I hope that you will keep blogging with us over the summer. Keep working on the teaser week activities and on the 16th of December you can start the Week 1 activities.

    Have a good day and keep up the awesome mahi!
    Eliza :)


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