Monday 8 June 2020

Pop art

Here is my POP ART!!!!!!!
Here is how I made it!
1.Choose word
2.Choose back round colour
3. Choose word colour
4.Make your work take up most of the page and cut it out
5.Make some big and small shapes with some news paper or some more coloured paper (try and make layers)
6.cut out your shapes
7.Arrange shapes on the paper with the letters
8.glue it all on the paper
9.outline everything with a vivid or a marker
10. hope you like your new art work!
if you would like to see some more of these go here
blog you later,

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Lila! My name is Poppy and I am from Romm 25. I love love LOVE your pop art! It is so creative and I really like the bright colours. I am working on my pop art too. Come check out my blog: Poppy's blog ]
    Blog you later!


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