Wednesday 17 June 2020

Bradley's letter to Carla

We have been reading there is a boy in the girl's bathroom! 
Carla just got fired and Bradley was really really sad because they were quite close!
They were meant to say there last goodbye's to each other on Friday or Saturday but Bradley never showed up! It was Sunday and Bradley decided that today he would visit her thinking she was still there, but when he walked in everything was gone but there was a letter on the table it said...
and then this is what I/Bradley wrote...
blog you later,


  1. Hi it’s Zac from Owairaka, room 8 here , I really like your post about Bradley's letter, I liked the way you made Bradley not know how to write. Did you know
    that the round table is still there? Next time, you could use an easier font to read. Check out my blog at Zac’s Blog byyyyyyyyye!

  2. You have put lots of great detail into your writing Lila! I like how you have used some of the phrases that Bradley used in the book to make it really sound like he is talking. It shows that you have understood a lot about Bradley's personality. Lovely work!


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